MADANA — Pioneering Lisk ICOs

Jul 24, 2018 · 2 min read
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Lisk is an uprising blockchain platform for JavaScript developers, enabling them to create dApps on Lisk sidechains. To lower the entrance barrier, Lisk works tirelessly on an easy to use SDK (sidechain development kit). MADANA committed itself to be the first major ICO and dApp on the Lisk blockchain platform, therefore pioneering Lisk’s vision of accessible dApps for everyone. In this blog post, we want to highlight the upsides of our close relationship to Lisk.

Pioneer’s Vault

Our closeness to Lisk originates from the early days of our core team members and Max Kordek, CEO of Lisk. Back in 2014, we did a lot of community work together by establishing one of the first German Bitcoin MeetUps, as well as the accredited University group “Bitcoin Aachen” at the RWTH Aachen University.

Out of this environment, Lisk was born and we supported Max in every way we could as an early supporter. Therefore our passion and commitment for Lisk are all the greater.

Since the early beginning of MADANA, Max supported us as our advisor with his expertise in the blockchain field and with his network. In January 2018 he invested a total of €200,000 in MADANA from his personal Pioneer’s Vault. MADANA will demonstrate what Lisk stands for “Accessing the Power of Blockchain”, and we will pave the way to grow the ecosystem, together.

Upsides of using Lisk

One of the main advantages of using Lisk is its sidechain technology. By deploying own sidechains, dApps can scale and develop better without fearing that other dApps impact them negatively because they operate on different chains. The upcoming release of Lisk Core 1.0 mark an important milestone towards this technology.

Accessibility is key for Lisk, therefore they focus largely on user experience as can be seen the development of their Lisk Hub. In the future, anyone can easily register sidechains, benefit from a DEX (decentralized exchange) and launch their own ICO from within this access point as stated in their blog post.

Attracting JavaScript developers, one of the biggest developer communities in the world, by offering them tools tailored to their needs, only underlines Lisk’s strategic positioning.

Future of MADANA

Starting August 1st, 2018 MADANA opens up the whitelisting process for the pre-sale. This marks a huge milestone for us and for the whole Lisk ecosystem. We have the unique opportunity to position our self as the privacy and data monetization solution for future dApps on the Lisk blockchain platform.

In this regard, we are positive about what the future holds for us.


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