Blockchain Education in Germany

The Bitcoin Aachen Meetup becomes Crypto Monday

Oct 5, 2018 · 3 min read
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Arguably, telling more people about the potential of Blockchain Technology is the main driver for a sustainable growth of the Blockchain Industry. Too many people don’t really understand what Blockchain is and what problems it can solve.

This is why a part of the MADANA team founded Bitcoin Aachen, one of the first Blockchain Meetups in Germany. In 2014 four RWTH Aachen Students got together to learn from each other about blockchain and share this knowledge with others. It was Christian Junger, Eugen Salkutzan, Yan Schreier and Max Kordek who founded Bitcoin Aachen with the aim to educate about Bitcoin and Blockchain fundamentals, to bring newcomers, entrepreneurs and experts together.

The start of Bitcoin Aachen till today

The university seemed to be a perfect starting point to address new technological developments and to find like-minded people. However, at the time, we were rather labeled as nerds and not taken seriously. No one took the time to understand the subject, which is why we were denied support from the university for many years. Nevertheless, we wanted to learn more about the possible applications of the blockchain and pass on our newly acquired knowledge. So we decided to take the matter into our own hands and founded the Bitcoin Aachen Group. We were one of the first to officially take up the topic and organize Bitcoin Meetups in Germany. In the first years, we were just a few people until others in Aachen showed interest in Blockchain and came to our Meetup.

Today, the world looks quite a bit different. Christian founded MADANA, a platform for a new data economy, and Max is the CEO of Lisk, one of the most successful Blockchain companies in the world. Shifting the focus to own projects and moving to Berlin, the blockchain hub in Germany, it became harder and harder to organize and maintain the Bitcoin Meetup in Aachen. However, none of these guys want their vision and hard work which was used to set up the Bitcoin Aachen meetup to go to waste. This is why the experienced enthusiasts from Crypto Monday are the perfect fit to take over the responsibility for Bitcoin Aachen and its community.

Bitcoin Aachen becomes part of Crypto Monday

We are very excited and proud to announce that Bitcoin Aachen is now part of the Crypto Monday family! CryptoMonday offers a platform for everyone who wants to deal with the topic of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, whether beginner or advanced. Here everyone can connect to a large network with exciting lectures and topics. This is exactly what the founders from Bitcoin Aachen were striving for. Therefore MADANA officially supports Crypto Monday as part of our educational efforts. We are very excited to see Crypto Monday bring Blockchain Education to more people within the coming years.

Though, this is not a Good-Bye to the Blockchain Community in Aachen. We will still attend the meetups and visit Aachen every once in a while. We are looking forward to seeing you at the Crypto Monday in Aachen!


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