Confidential Computing as a Service: MADANA adds its Patented Solution to OVHcloud’s Ecosystem

Enabling secure data-in-use and application usage for everyone

Oct 28 · 3 min read
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OVHcloud, the leading European cloud provider, and German cyber security company MADANA are joining forces to provide businesses with a powerful hosted confidential computing solution that completes the lifecycle of application and data security. The joint offering will be the first of its kind in Europe, directly combining cloud computing services with confidential computing to provide the safest readily available cloud computing solution on the European market.

What is OVHcloud?

OVHcloud is a global player and the leading European cloud provider — operating 400,000 servers within its own 31 data centres across 4 continents. For 20 years, the Group has been leveraging an integrated model that provides full control of their value chain, from designing their servers to managing data centres to orchestrating a fibre-optic network. This unique approach enables OVHcloud to independently cover the full spectrum of use cases for around 1.5 million customers in more than 130 countries. OVHcloud now offers customers latest-generation solutions that combine high performance, predictable pricing and full data sovereignty to support their unfettered growth.


MADANA wants to help reshape and complement the cyber security space as a company at the forefront of some of the most cutting-edge technologies in a market, that is ripe for consolidation. Having spent the last years in research and development, MADANA is ready to bring its CORE product to the market. We want to achieve our cyber security vision with the highest possible impact.

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Shared Vision of Building a Sovereign Data Infrastructure

OVHcloud and MADANA share the same vision of building a sovereign data infrastructure and secure open digital ecosystem within Europe, following the GAIA-X initiative principles. With the joint offering, we aim to provide a foundation for a secure and reliable ecosystem based on cutting-edge technologies. Customers can seamlessly host their data on OVHcloud servers and at the same time be sure that their data and applications are stored and processed in trusted and secure environments at all times.


Securely bridging the gap between data and insights.


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MADANA is enabling future data ecosystems by securely bridging data and insights through the use of #PrivTech


We transform data markets of today and empower the digital economic world of tomorrow. Our solutions enable a better use of data and pave the way for more exclusive insights.


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MADANA is enabling future data ecosystems by securely bridging data and insights through the use of #PrivTech


We transform data markets of today and empower the digital economic world of tomorrow. Our solutions enable a better use of data and pave the way for more exclusive insights.

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