Federated Learning & Confidential Computing

Securing distributed machine learning

Feb 23 · 3 min read

What is Federated Learning?

As we mentioned in our previous Blog Post, one of the most interesting applications of Confidential Computing is in the rapidly developing field of Federated Learning. Given this topic is more complex, we felt it deserved its own special attention. So what exactly is Federated Learning?

Federated Learning Model © MADANA 2021

How does Confidential Computing enable Federated Learning?

As we have indicated - Confidential Computing protects data during processing, and when combined with storage and network encryption with exclusive control of encryption keys, provides end-to-end data security in the cloud or on-premise. It isolates sensitive data in a protected CPU enclave during processing. The contents of the enclave - the data being processed, and the techniques used to process it - are accessible only to authorized programming code, and invisible and unknowable to anything or anyone else.

Federated Learning Secured by MADANA Core TEE. © MADANA 2021


Leading the way in Confidential Computing for secure & trusted applications.


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Leading the way in Confidential Computing for secure & trusted applications.


We safeguard your applications and data during runtime by unlocking the true potential of confidential computing. Our patented solutions provide security without compromise.


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Leading the way in Confidential Computing for secure & trusted applications.


We safeguard your applications and data during runtime by unlocking the true potential of confidential computing. Our patented solutions provide security without compromise.

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