Confidential Computing Demystified

What is it and why is it seen as the next frontier in cybersecurity?

Jan 28 · 5 min read
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MADANA will launch its platform for test users soon in 2021

What is Confidential Computing?

Today, data is often encrypted at rest and in transit across the network, but not while in use in memory. The ability to protect data in use is limited in the currently existing computing infrastructure. Organizations that handle sensitive data need to alleviate threats that target the confidentiality and integrity of either the application or the data in system memory.

Some Examples:

1. Proprietary Software:

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Whats Next?

So what is next for MADANA? We have developed the MADANA Core confidential computing solution. MADANA CORE is easily integrable into organizations’ current workflows, no matter whether applications are run on-premise or in the cloud. It enables the creation of an isolated environment where, even if the operating system is compromised, the application is protected. Rather than relying on software alone to manage access to resources on these devices, our solution provides security through hardware-based Trusted Execution Environments (TEE’s).

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Leading the way in Confidential Computing for secure & trusted applications.


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Leading the way in Confidential Computing for secure & trusted applications.


We safeguard your applications and data during runtime by unlocking the true potential of confidential computing. Our patented solutions provide security without compromise.


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Leading the way in Confidential Computing for secure & trusted applications.


We safeguard your applications and data during runtime by unlocking the true potential of confidential computing. Our patented solutions provide security without compromise.

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