Beloved Bitcoin is a bubble. Why LISK is not!

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In this short but rubbish post, I’m looking at a few perspectives why Lisk (LSK) is not a pink-reddish bubble.

Does it ever occur to you, that we Crypto-Spartanier are blinded by our beloved pink-reddish cryptocurrency — the good ol’ bitcoin?

In the past few years, I have been hooked by the philosophy of technology and decentralization — initiated by Satoshi Nakamoto, commercialized by Bitcoin and its hype.

The Bubble of Bitcoin

The value of bitcoin has been fluctuating up and down while remaining a steady upwards trend. Every now and then it plumes like a cold stone after a hyped skyrocketing, fired up by the short-thinking trader, speculators. Traditional banks and financial corporations are not excluded.

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The basic idea of decentralization behind bitcoins technology is extremely important for a shift in societies, in today’s business and in mindset. And the world always needed and also now needs shifts a.k.a. revolutions like these.

Successfully establishing new decentralized rules for this triad needs time and a good backbone.

And Bitcoin has a modest backbone:

  • outdated decentralized technology
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But thanks for the upbringing of blockchain technology

The steady upwards trend of Bitcoin’s value will soon be over if Bitcoin does not evolve its technological backbone.

Next-generation blockchain and DLT’s will over pace Bitcoin and will become the standard everyone will be guided by. Ethereum has shown it in the past few years that it has the potential. Other decentralization projects, companies, and foundations have similar and sure better approaches for our decentralized future.

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The first bigger iteration phases of the Blockchain technology and concepts have begun to hit the market — or is just around the corner.

Lisk as one of the first adopters of the spirit of decentralization recognized early on, that the concept of Bitcoins blockchain has good improvement potential. It should be:

  • easy to access for anyone

Further, everyone should understand the basics as well as the details of the decentralized technology. So real-world dApps can be developed by anyone in a fast speed. Therefore, Lisk is education the “real” world on the topic of blockchain and sidechain technology. Thus, Lisk fostering the societal shift on a higher scale by patronizing the decentralization spirit in a steady manner.

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Lisk Academy Teaching the World

Every great revolution has started with the crazy frontman, a herd of followers resulting in a big popping of a bubble. In the end, the calm warrior, who resisted the pink-reddish hype and worked on his craft, soared.

Thanks for reading my first thoughts-rattling post.


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