GDPR: A New Era of Data Science

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Big data has been one of the hottest words in the world recently. A number of outstanding data scientists have shown what can be done with data. Individuals, companies and any other institutions can greatly benefit from data. For example, SK Hynix, which is Korean leading semiconductor company, has grown its Data Science (DS) team. DS team in SK Hynix supports production line by providing solutions derived from data. With the solutions, the company can lower the proportion of defective product and it is directly linked to profit issues. Considering the virtue of data, it should be considered as invaluable “private” property rather than “common” one that anyone can access and use.

Based on such awareness, GDPR has started in EU countries. As data is perceived as private property, data users should get consent from the provider for every use of it. As a consequence, two steps are added to the data acquiring process. The first step is that data scientists need to prepare persuasive explanation about why they need data. The second step is that they must get consent from the data provider. Anyone who wants data will need to elaborate on those two steps. Especially, the second step is out of control unless data user and provider are one and the same. For this reason, it won’t be easy to start new data project, complying with GDPR.

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On the other hand, there is a positive aspect as well. DS projects will become more understandable especially for people who are not familiar with machine learning, mathematics, statistics and etc. When data scientists explain why they need data, it should be done without jargon since many of data provider won’t be an expert. Therefore, there is a higher probability that DS projects are described simply and clearly. If people come to know what DS projects are about, they will come to know the value of data, which is directly linked to the value of DS in that all about DS is to utilize data more effectively.

Whether it’s good or bad for DS people, a new stage has arrived. Things will change in the data world. Be prepared and get on board!


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Dong Gu Kim

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Data Science Intern at MADANA & Master Student in Data Science, Columbia University


We transform data markets of today and empower the digital economic world of tomorrow. Our solutions enable a better use of data and pave the way for more exclusive insights.

Dong Gu Kim

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Data Science Intern at MADANA & Master Student in Data Science, Columbia University


We transform data markets of today and empower the digital economic world of tomorrow. Our solutions enable a better use of data and pave the way for more exclusive insights.

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