New Decade Resolutions! — 2020

Dec 31, 2019 · 6 min read
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The year 2019 is coming to an end, and we all are looking back to a decade full of change and technological advancement. We started this decade hopeful and excited about how technology would change our lives for the better, only to be confronted with the reality of mass surveillance and systematic manipulation through social media and personal data analytics.

But not all hope is lost. In 2018, the European Union introduced the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the most strict consumer data privacy protection law in the world. Many countries followed the lead in the following years. Suddenly data privacy protection became a constitutional necessity instead of a simple internet ideology.

In our last blog post of the year, we want to review 2019 from our perspective and give you an outlook into the next decade and the values we as a company want to protect.


We also would like to thank all the active community members in our telegram group, who keep the conversation lively and help newcomers to get around constantly. We want to dedicate a special shout out to our Poland Ambassador Kornel, who put exceptional effort to proactively support us on many occasions.

Business and Education

Another notable success this year was the signing of our teaming contract with Capgemini to develop a concrete healthcare use-case with our technology. This use-case is of such importance that we even made it into big German news like Frankfurter Allgemeine and Computerwoche. And with the help of our friends from Elite Group, who organized an interview for us with the renowned Chinese tech-media CCValue, we have been able to educate others overseas on the important topic of GDPR.

CEO Christian Junger announcing MADANA as founding member of INATBA

But we didn’t stop there. Because the political future is also important to us, we announced in March 2019 that we are a founding member of INATBA. INATBA is directly advising the European Commission and this engagement brought us the respect of many political decision-makers. The European Commission even interviewed us on the heavily discussed topic of data-privacy solutions because they value our cause.

This year we started our Growth-2-Market strategy and we worked on many projects. We concentrated on the following vertical markets in which we will roll out our industry projects: eHealth, Banking, Financial Services & Insurance, Automotive, Telecommunication, and Retail. Out of these, we have already started working on concrete industry appliances in cooperation with established big German consumer-centric corporations.

MADANA PAX (MDN) Cryptocurrency

Shortly after, our next big milestone was accomplished. On December 23rd, 2019 we started the world’s first Industry Sale to accelerate the successful adoption of our platform. You can participate in the Industry Sale right now!

MADANA Industry Sale:

Read more about the Industry Sale here:

Global Presence

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Singapore, Nov. 2019

In 2019 we were not only focusing on Europe and Germany as our target markets but we also actively visited other countries to expand our network and find possible partners who seek to benefit from our technology.

We traveled to Singapore in November of this year for the Blockchain Week and attended both “The Capital”-Event organized by CMC and the BlockShow event by CoinTelegraph. In this period we made valuable friends and partners who will open us the gateway to Asia in 2020, facilitating and translating our technology into this market.

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In October we were present at the South Summit in Madrid. Here our CEO, Christian Junger, gave a keynote presentation to the visitors and we connected with many businesses of various sizes. Spain will play an important role in the upcoming expansion phase of our company, and the people we connected with during this trip are already committing their support for this.

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Lisk Utrecht Event

Prior to that, we were invited to the Lisk Utrecht Event in July, where our Head of Blockchain, Eugen Salkutzan, and CTO, J.-Fabian Wenisch, engaged with the Dutch Community. This event was co-organized by our Ambassador, Meyade Curfs, and our friends from Elite. The people embraced our effort with cheerful applause, which is exactly what keeps us working so hard every day!

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Earlier this year in May CEO, Christian Junger, and COO, Dieter Schule, attended the Pioneers 2019 event in Vienna.

There they held a presentation in front of a crowd of VCs and high ranking business people about our company and raised awareness for #PrivTech.

The Next Decade

In this sense, the whole MADANA team wishes you and your close ones a wonderful and exciting new year of 2020. Take this opportunity to try new things, be bold and believe in your own values! Even more so when the world seems to think otherwise.

Happy New Year!


Leading the way in Confidential Computing for secure & trusted applications.


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Leading the way in Confidential Computing for secure & trusted applications.


We safeguard your applications and data during runtime by unlocking the true potential of confidential computing. Our patented solutions provide security without compromise.


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Leading the way in Confidential Computing for secure & trusted applications.


We safeguard your applications and data during runtime by unlocking the true potential of confidential computing. Our patented solutions provide security without compromise.

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