MADANA, the first major ICO on Lisk, comes to Moscow on August 25th

MADANA Press Release

Aug 14, 2018 · 2 min read
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Berlin, Germany, August 14, 2018: The Berlin-based blockchain startup MADANA is inviting to their event in Moscow to approach crypto investors in Russia.

MADANA is a patent-pending platform for privacy-preserving data analysis. Experts agree that this kind of data market has huge future potential. As the first major project on the Lisk Blockchain, MADANA provides additional value to future dApps and the whole Lisk ecosystem. MADANA recently released their white paper for all interested investors to peruse.

The MADANA ICO Pre-Sale of the PAX token is starting on the 1st of September. Now you have the chance to meet Christian Junger, the CEO of MADANA, in person and get additional information about the upcoming PAX token sale. Therefore, MADANA invites to their event:

MADANA Moscow Roadshow Event
Saturday, 25th of August, at 6pm
Location: Andy’s Friends
Чистопрудный бул., 5, Moskva, Russia, 101000

Christian Junger will begin the event with a talk about data privacy and how MADANA protects your privacy by design. Afterward, the guests will be able to network with the MADANA team and have drinks at Andy’s Friends. Spoken languages will be English and Russian since some MADANA team members have Russian roots.

There are a limited number of tickets. Get yours now for free:
On TimePad:
On Meetup:

MADANA protects your privacy and makes your data work for you. MADANA is developing a blockchain-based marketplace that brings together data producers, plug-in providers, and data analysis buyers. The MADANA system will encrypt data on the side of its producer, which enables full data control for the actual data owner. Utilizing MADANAs patent-pending technique to conduct the analysis result, insights can be shared with others, without revealing the raw data. Get a chance to buy the MADANA PAX token in the upcoming Pre-Sale for a reduced price by whitelisting yourself at


Julian Schiemann, Head of Marketing
Email: [email protected]

MADANA Press Media Kit:


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