How to participate in MADANA’s PAX Token Pre-Sale?

Step-by-Step Participation Guide

Aug 30, 2018 · 8 min read
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This guide provides you with an overview of the contribution process for the MADANA PAX Pre-Sale. Please read it carefully. All our processes strictly follow the rules of German legislation.

Pre-Sale Start: 1st September 2018 –12:00 UTC+2
Pre-Sale End: 31st October 2018 –12:00 UTC+1
Accepted Currencies: BTC, ETH, LSK.
Banned countries: Canada, Mainland China, USA, and more. See the complete list in our Whitelisting Guide.

Important Security Notes

  • Make sure to visit
    Do not use any other URL.

Step-by-Step Participation Guide

This guide consists of two parts:

  • Part 1: A guide that leads you through our whitelisting / KYC process. Since we do our token sale under German law, this process is required for any contribution. Read the MADANA Whitelisting Guide for more details.

If you are already whitelisted, skip Part 1 and continue with Part 2 below.

Part 1: Whitelisting / KYC Process

Whitelisting — Step 1

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Whitelisting — Step 2

  • Enter your email address and click on START REGISTRATION.
    Your email address is necessary to access your contribution account later on. Make sure to stay in control of your email account and make sure nobody else has access. Register with only one email account. Multiple registrations for the same individual will result in all registrations being rejected.
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Whitelisting — Step 3

  • Write down your displayed “secret keyphrase”.
    It is used for secure communication with MADANA. Only trust messages that contain your secret keyphrase.
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Whitelisting — Step 4

  • Read and accept the “Terms and Conditions” by clicking the first checkbox.
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Whitelisting — Step 5

  • Choose your type of document for the ID verification. This can be your National ID or Passport.
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Whitelisting — Step 6

  • Fill in given fields with the displayed instructions.

Choose whether you are acting on your own behalf or on the behalf of a company:

  • If you are acting on your own behalf than proceed with Whitelisting — Step 7 after selecting and clicking on SUBMIT.
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Whitelisting — Step 7: For Private (not Corporate) Investors

  • Enter your unique identification number. E.g. passport number or national ID number.
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Continue with Whitelisting–Step 9.

Whitelisting — Step 8: For Corporate Investors

  • Fill in the form regarding the requirements for institutional contributors. Enter the official information of your company. In doubt, upload the most appropriate. If the uploaded document does not meet the formal requirements, you will be contacted by us.
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Whitelisting — Step 9

You have now successfully completed the registration process! After our internal review process, you will receive a mail regarding your KYC status. With a positive response, you can start the contribution process.

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Part 2: Contribution Process

If you successfully passed our whitelisting / KYC process, you can start the contribution process.

Contribution — Step 1

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Contribution — Step 2

  • Open the email you just received from us. It contains your secret keyphrase for verification, indicating that it is send by MADANA.
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Contribution — Step 3: Place an order

  • Select the cryptocurrency that you want to use for your contribution: Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) or Lisk (LSK).

You can repeat this process for up to 10 orders in total. Each time you send an order, you will get an email from us displaying your order details.

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Contribution — Step 4: Pay an order

  • Pay the stated amount in the previously chosen cryptocurrency to wallet address, displayed in the grey box.

Completion of an order:

  • When we received your contribution, the order will be labelled as “completed”.

Cancelling of an order:

  • There is also the option of “Cancel order”.
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Contribution — Step 5

10% PAX Bonus for contributions with Lisk (LSK).

Contribution in different cryptocurrencies:
Place different orders in your preferred cryptocurrencies. Pay the contribution amounts to the respective addresses.

Confirmed PAX: Amount of already purchased PAX token.

Unconfirmed PAX: Amount of ordered but not yet paid PAX token.

Your “balance”: If you contribute more than necessary to pay your order, then it will be shown as your “balance”.

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FAQ: When will I receive my PAX token?

Shortly after the Main Sale, which will happen in 2019.

FAQ: How will I receive my PAX token and how can I use them?

We will publish a detailed description on how you can receive and manage your PAX token shortly before we will start distributing them.

FAQ: I contributed too much. How and when I get my money back?

After the End of the PAX Pre-Sale period, we will refund your balance back to your Refund Address. An earlier refund is not possible.

Important: Make sure to not lose control over the email account you entered in our token sale.

Thank you for participating in the PAX token sale. Stay tuned!
If you have further questions, read our FAQ, visit our website or contact us on Telegram.

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