How Blockchain Will Propel Civilization On The Kardashev Scale

Blockchain will bring mankind a strong piece forward on the Kardashev scale. Thus, progressing mankind as a whole.

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Kardashev Scale

How do you measure the evolution of species in the universe?! And above all, how far have we humans progressed as a species? The Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev dealt with these two questions in the 1960s.

The scale created in 1964 was based on Kardashev’s cosmic signals, which would be emitted by every species in the harnessing of cosmic energy, for instance, the Sun. Thus Kardashev defined the civilization types I, II, III, on the basis of which the types IV and V were supplemented by other scientists.

If you are not familiar with the Kardashev Scale, visit here for a detailed description.

Civilization Type I

Type 1: Planetary Culture — This civilization would be slightly more advanced than those found on Earth. They would be capable of utilizing all available resources on their home planet, skillfully harnessing the energy output of an entire world (10¹⁵ watts). (Jolene Creighton on

Since we humans are currently not able to cover the complete energy balance of civilization Earth by the energy of the sun, we are still a Type 0 civilization on this scale.

Yet, over the last two centuries, we have invented technologies that, according to the Kardashev scale, lead the way in more efficient energy consumption on Earth. Also, our exponential technological growth in the last decades indicates that we species humans would have to be somewhere between Type 0 and Type I.

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The famous astronomer Carl Sagan tackled the task of estimating a more detailed status quo of civilization in 1973.

With his approach, which includes the energetic use of the planet and information processing as factors, Sagan calculated that on the Kardashev scale

We as a civilization are not too far from Type I. Physicists besides Dr. Michio Kaku believe that in 100–200 years we will achieve Type I status.

And Blockchain will play a decisive role in this.

Contribution of the Blockchain to the development towards Type I civilization

Besides future technological progress in the use of solar energy, more efficient ways will also be found to make energy consumption on Earth more efficient.

This is where the Blockchain technology comes into play, despite its controversial high energy consumption.

Blockchain technology — which will become a standard technology in every area in the not too distant future — is able to make processes along the energy supply chain more efficient, cost-effective and transparent. Many Blockchain projects and larger energy companies are nowadays exploring the deployment within the energy sector.

Dr. Michio Kaku believes that other global aspects should be included in the definition of Type 1 civilization in addition to the more efficient energy coverage of the entire civilization. The first seeds were already planted:

We see the beginning of a planetary language (English), a planetary communication system (the Internet), a planetary economy (the forging of the European Union), and even the beginnings of a planetary culture (via mass media, TV, rock music, and Hollywood films).

Dr. Michio Kaku

On these aspects, the Blockchain technology will have enormous influence and will lead to the following points:

  • Internet of Trust
  • Trusted global community
  • Trusted governments via secured and transparent elections
  • Trusted global culture through secured IP-Management

As a technology that, through its decentralization, links entities globally in a trustworthy way, makes processes transparent and efficient, it is the perfect technological breeding ground for the next acceleration on the Kardashev scale:

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Along the Road to Type I

On the way to Type I civilization, we will face and overcome many exciting technological milestones; we may see the beginning of singularity in 2045 — where decentralized systems will certainly make a strong contribution — and the last bitcoin will probably be mined in 2140, shortly before the arrival of Type I status.



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